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sometimes it takes time to  put together a puzzle,  when that time comes and the peices all come together  thats when great things happen. i am still looking for the missing peices to a great puzzle.

The best part  i love about  painting is when someone comes to me and says, i have watched you  work you make it look easy. i want to learn can you teach me, so i  hand them a brush or help them pick the supplies out. and tell them put a bunch of dots on paper  start connecting them and work your way up. thats how i learned  , i never took any art class! i just started connecting the dots until they7 finally became something, and it grew from there. you never know until you try it whether you like it or not. maybe a hidden talent thats asking to come out.

                                      Oil Paint   completed 06/2010  artist alan spivey  titled Peaceful escape

                                             look closely 3 animal spirits puma, turtle  and alligator.  

                      sometime art takes on a life of it own  and even fools the artist  who is doing the work 

                      thats what i love about painting


       Please feel free to  sign the guestbook at end of the gallery  with name , contact(optional)
, and comments , suggestions and questions.

Thank you   alan spivey

    may also  call me   during  these hours 9 :00am - 4:00 pm   Est   if  called after hours i am at my  place of employment and will not answer  phone  it will go to  voicemail . i will return call as long as name, phone number and  reason for call is given  in the voice mail.                   

 302-245-4941 directly to alan spivey

 You may also email me  at


 i am also on facebook and myspace